How to Say “CEME” in Different Languages

There are 42 ways to say “CEME” in English. Educators can use CEME in their daily work and can find many different meanings for the term. To learn more, check out the CEME definitions in various languages. These definitions are available in an image file. You can also share it with friends and family. The image can also be used on social media websites. It’s important for educators to understand what ceme means.


The first way to remember a CEME is by reciting the acronym. When speaking about an infection, it’s essential to remember the word, which stands for Commander Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. These men are a specialized branch of the military and their training includes extensive training. The name of the group reflects their background, as jawans come from a rural area. While other personnel might call this night dinner, the word is also used to describe the type of limbs that are examined.

The second way to understand CEME is to use it in an acronym. The full form is Chefe Do Estado Maior do ExeRcito. The acronym contains 31 different definitions. The first two are grouped together and are useful in identifying the various types of infections that are prevalent in the medical community. If you are unfamiliar with these terms, here are some helpful resources. Just remember to always use the ‘CEME’ shorthand.