What is the Common Meaning of the Word Cema?
The common meaning of CEME acronym is `Chief Emergency Medical Equipment` or sometimes called as `C EMG` which stands for `Central Emergency medial Gear’. This is a system that is in place to coordinate all the resources required for an emergency medical situation and also to handle the equipments and resources. This system handles everything from basic life support systems, to advanced life support systems. The system will have a chief administrator who will act as the central link between all the different parts of this system who will in turn be responsible for managing the stocks of life support equipment, by keeping a constant check on its supply, and will also be the main link between the ambulance service and the medical facilities.
The abbreviated form of the word CEME is commonly used as a part of a hospital’s name, e.g. `Cardiology Emergency Medical Equipment’. This term has many other variations and acronyms as well, e.g. ` resuscitation equipment’ `pulmonary resuscitation equipment’ and so on. The full form of the word is commonly used and refers to a system that is used in medical facilities that ensures the full care of patients.
In the full form of the word, the root words are `cermium’, `embroidery’, `medical device’ and `life support’. These four words make up the root syllabification of the term CEME and it should therefore be remembered that this is an abbreviation of the actual word `cermium’. As already explained, the use of the term CEME means the whole system and not a single part of it. Therefore, CEME definition would be something like this; the entire CEME system is designed to maximize the ability of the modern medical system to deal with all kinds of medical emergencies, and the chief component of this system is the central emergency medical equipment or CEME.